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Sunday, November 27, 2011

Nail of the Day - Purple and Foil

Hey everyone!

I ordered "Designer... the better" from the Muppets by OPI a few weeks ago, and I just received it in the mail. I decided to try the color on, but since it's such an unusual color, I didn't really want to put it on all my nails, so I went for my typical "accent nail" manicure with a dark purple as a base color.

I hope you guys like it!

In daylight

With flash

Add caption

If you happen to do Nail of the Day posts on your blogs, please leave the link in the comments, I would LOBE to see them!



Sunday, November 20, 2011

Recipe : Greek Salad

Hey everyone!

I'm sorry I've been absent this past week, but I've been sick. My throat hurts a lot and make up is the last thing on my mind.

Anyway, I was making dinner tonight I thought I could share with you my very favorite salad: GREEK!

I hope you guys enjoy it!

For this recipe you will need:

- a few leaves of mixed greens
- two tomatoes
- 1/4 of a bell pepper
- 1 spring onion
- a small piece of feta cheese
- broccoli sprouts (optional)

Once you have gathered all the ingredients you need, simply chop them up in small pieces.

Put everything in a salad bowl. 

To make the dressing you will need:

- 1/2 a teaspoon of mild curry
- 1/2 a teaspoon of celery salt
- 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil
- 1/2 a tablespoon of lemon juice
- pepper

Once everything is in the salad bowl, mix, serve and enjoy!

Bon appétit!



Sunday, November 13, 2011

Bronze Beauty

Hey everyone!

I was browsing the internet looking for inspiration pictures and I found this gorgeous image:

So naturally I fell in love with it and decided to recreate the eye-look. I started by applying a golden base to my eyelids to help the shadows pop and stay in place:

Then I added some metallic gold shadow to the inner half of my lid.

Then I patted some metallic bronze shadow on the rest of my lid.

After that I applied some dark brown shadow to my outer V, since I didn't have any shimmery colors that were dark enough I used a matte shadow, then toped it with a lighter shade of shimmery brown.

Then I applied the same colors on my lower lashline, going from lightest to darkest starting from the tear duct.

Then I lined my upper and lower waterlines, as well as my upper lashline and the outer half of my lower lashline with a black pencil liner that is very creamy and easy to smudge.

Since the lower lashline in the image looks very wet, I added a shiny black eyeshadow base on top of the lower lashline to make it truer to the picture.

The image doesn't really focus on the lashes, and since I already had mascara from earlier I decided not to add any.

And voilà!

I hope you guys enjoyed it! Have a great day!



Thursday, November 10, 2011

Everyday Pin Up

Hey everyone!

I, for one, love the pin up look! It's all about subtle eyeshadow and polished liner, so here's the pin up inspired I wear to work, school or out when I want to feel made-up but not over the top.

I hope you guys like it!

I start off by priming my entire lid and applying a flesh-toned shadow that is slightly lighter than my skin tone:

Then, I use an even lighter color to highlight the center of my lid, my brow bone and the inner corner of my eye.

After, take a color that is just a few shades darker than your skin and lightly contour your crease to give your eyes more dimension.

Once you have blended the brown shadow to your liking, take your favorite eyeliner (pencil, liquid, gel or cake) and draw a line following straight out from your bottom lashline, then connect it to your upper lashline.

Once that is done you can line your lashline making it as thick or as thin as you want and you're done!

Now you're ready for anything!




Monday, November 7, 2011

Nail of the Day - Gold and Taupe

Hey everyone!

I'm very excited to do my very first NOTD (nail of the day) post!

I got inspired by fall with the muted purple/taupe color decided to paint my nails with Sephora by OPI's Metro Chic, but I didn't really want to make it too flat I decided to take OPI's Gift of Gold to add an accent nail on my ring finger.

I hope you like it and I would LOVE to see your posts, so let me know in the comments below with the links to where I can see them.

I hope you guys enjoyed this!



Sunday, November 6, 2011

How-To : Brows

Hey everyone!

Are you new to brow-shaping? Are you unhappy with how your brows look? I know I certainly was a few months ago, until I did some research and figured out how to shape and tweeze my eyebrows in the shape they have today, so I decided to do a blogpost on it to maybe help some of you girls out there who are struggling it.

Your eyebrows are a very important feature because they frame your eyes, but unlike the facial expressions they help create they are not universal. Each face shape has its own brow shape, that will enhance its assets and pull the attention away from its flaws. To illustrate that I brought a face and brow shapes from http://www.eyebrowz.com/faceshape.htm :

These are the most basic face shapes and their corresponding brows.

The Oval Face Shape : considered to be the ideal face shape and its brow is softly arched.

The Round Face Shape : is almost as wide as it is long, and the goal is to make it appear thinner and to do that we shape the brows in more vertical lines and a very high arch.

The Long Face Shape : needs a more straight brow to make it appear shorter.

The Square Face Shape : has a very strong jaw that can be balanced out with an angled brow with a soft arch.

The Heart Face Shape : has a strong pointed chin and to enhance the heart shape a rounded angled brow is best and can be adapted to your face - a low brow for a long heart face and a high brow for a short heart face.

The Diamond Face Shape : has a somewhat short forehead is widest between the cheekbones and temples, and to minimize that appearance shape your brows in a very curvy shape to soften the angles of your face and make its widest part look more narrow.

Obviously, these are guidelines and if you happen not to like the brow that corresponds to your face shape you can always choose another shape that goes better with your face. If you've overplucked your brows, or if you don't like the shape they have now you can always grow them back, but while you wait you can always fill them in with brown eyeshadow or a pencil and only remove the hairs you know you won't "need".

I happen to have a oval/oblong face and tend to do my eyebrows in a soft arch, rather than the really high upside down V everyone around me wears and that made me look surprised all the time!

Once you have figured out your face shape it is time to take out your favorite tweezers and shape your eyebrows:

I like to start by brushing the hairs downwards and outlining the upper part of my eyebrows with a white liner pencil to figure out which hairs need to be removed.

Then I remove all the hairs I painted white and the ones immediately over the line, but if I happen to have stray hairs that are not immediately over it I tend to them later with wax, since plucking them out would take too much time. Then I do the same under the brow:

Once I have removed the all the hairs under it (since waxing under the brow might damage the elasticity of the skin in that area) I erase the lines and remove any hairs I may have missed, creating lines as harmonious as possible and then I trim any hairs that are too long.

Then to finish I apply some wax to remove the really thin hairs I don't want to spend too much time plucking. To soothe the redness you can apply your moisturizer mixed with a healing cream (the same product you use to disinfect and heal a small cut).

And voilà!

One last tip: once you're happy with your eyebrows STOP! I know we tend to keep plucking and plucking but that will only ruin your brows and obliging you to fill them in until they grow back.

I hope this was helpful, if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask me or visit www.eyebrowz.com

